February 2012

February 15, 2012 – Spanish Virgin Islands
We loved the Spanish Virgin Islands of Vieques and Culebra when we visited in 2008 and we couldn’t wait to
get back to their beauty and serenity. What made it even more special this time was enjoying it with Jane’s
Dad, Dave and his wife, Michele. While they were in Florida for Margot’s funeral, they made a spontaneous
decision to fly back to St. Thomas with us and sail to PR. We were so glad that they did.
We explored the beautiful waters and beaches
of Culebrita, Culebra, and Vieques and especially enjoyed diving for lobster and conch – yum. Caroline
and Michele loved their daily swims and the partners of Grant/Grandpa vs. Caroline/Michele in euchre were the nightly excitement.
The kids introduced Imagine’s swing to Michele and she was quite the sport and actually tried
it out. Wow!
finalized our trip with a visit to the massive, impressive Old San Juan fort which is now a US National Park.
We first toured this fort in 2008 and were excited to see it again, it was all that we remembered and is the official
best fort that we saw in the World.
It was so wonderful just to relax and enjoy these beautiful islands with my Dad and Michele. It
was such a difficult time for us that we greatly appreciate them being with us for support.
February 18, 2012 – Puerto Rico
Happy Birthday Noah!!!!!! It is hard to believe
that my baby is “9” today. He has grown up so much on Imagine and has loved the “boating”
lifestyle. Out of all of us, he is the one who most wants to stay out cruising. We celebrated
his big day in the beautiful Spanish Virgin Islands off of Puerto Rico. Since it was just us, it was a
laid back birthday but we all enjoyed getting dressed up in our best clothes for his Agent themed birthday dinner and cake.
Since we were in Puerto Rico we were actually able to shop in a WalMart for his presents so he was very excited to
get everything on his list including a DinoRaptor and huge Nerf Gun!!! (Where are we going to store that?!?!)